Liquid Damage

Mar 22, 2019

Summertime in Northern Michigan is the season we all look forward to. Many outdoor adventures are on the agenda. We plan a fun day at the beach, a day on the boat, or a hike in the woods. What we don’t plan is dropping our new iPhone in the lake. All the priceless pictures of our family suddenly submerged in water because, of course, our free iCloud storage is full. So much money and priceless memories are lost. What do you do now? Is it a total loss?

Many new phones may be water resistant to a quick drop in the bucket or toilet, none are waterproof.

The longer your phone is in liquid, the greater chance there is that damage will occur. If you are able to rescue your device from the water, it is important to shut off power as quickly as possible. Even if it seems to “still be working,” damage to the logic board may still be coming. Do not charge it or connect to the computer. If your phone has a removable battery, take it out right away. For an iPhone or any other device that does not have a removable battery, just carefully power it off.
Many websites will recommend throwing a wet phone into a bag of rice. The “Rice Method” has actually been proven to do very little to aid in recovering a device from liquid damage. In fact, it can do more harm than good. Rice can get into the charging port and headphone jack. This method can also leave behind dust and starch, which can cause even more damage.
The best way to make sure your device has a fighting chance is to bring it to our specialists. They have the tools and the know-how to give your device a chance of recovery. Even if your phone is still functioning after getting wet, we can perform a preventative treatment to make sure no other issues arise.
Visit our location at 161 M-66 Hwy, North, Charlevoix, MI 49720. We have technicians ready anytime to clean up the device before major damage occurs. We remain positive that it is possible to repair wet phones if the right steps are followed.
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